A bar of Ritual Chocolates Cherry Vanilla Bar with a decorative geometric gold and cherry design, displayed on a small wooden easel against a soft purple background. The package notes its 70% cacao, 2.12 oz.

Craft Chocolate - Sugar-sweetened

Our curated chocolates put a spotlight on the best dark chocolate offerings from top global craft chocolate makers who use wild and heirloom varieties of cocoa. We also offer a small and rotating selection of exceptional fairly traded chocolates with the most delightful flavors and flavor combinations.

All of our selections mutually benefit your senses and cacao producers who earn fair wages and immense respect.

Coming soon! Our own sugar-free bean-to-bar chocolates

Our specialty sugar-free bean-to-bar micro-batch chocolate is on the horizon for sugar-sensitive chocolate aficionados—no sugar alcohols, true to our carefully selected and processed beans' inherently fine flavors. The best test feedback we've received: "satisfying; less like candy and more like food." If you're sensitive to sugar like co-founder Andre, please subscribe at the bottom of the page to be the first to know when they're available...

4 products